Monitoring and proscribing a value to these matrices and to the principles of Design allows the ‘Creative’ the ability to expedite and propagate the delivery of materials which would pronounce a Brand’s breadth, scope and reach via advertisement and marketing. New products affect these shifts, for they are giant serving trays for the morsels of information we consume spatially. Apple as well as Microsoft have been on the cultural cusp of Technology and Data (Content) delivery for over a quarter century, they have created numerous platforms and vehicles which allowed for poly-hydra devices to emerge and become smart. Those advertisers who utilize ‘emerging technology’ efficiently are the seismologists who measure customer response-- the reverberation or after-shock after a brand product or advert is introduced. The shift in direction and severity in resonance are the way metrics are measured and how the value-added functionality of a site, application or service is accessed. Given the geology of advertising what does the bedrock hold in creating synergy? Does print die in the wake of the digital divide? Does CMYK go away? There may be many answers or converging points of view regarding the death of Print Ads. It is in my estimation, that the trans-digital convergence will only see the formation of a newer and more sound system of valuation. Cultural Tectonics will yield stronger sensibilities within the science of Design.
The implication of trans-digital convergence, over the past decade, has created a newer means of sharing and exchanging information. Slate and I-pad have crested on the wave of Hybrid and Poly-hydra devices, this will change the value proposition of most advertising metrics and create a teleological creep (read: shift) in Creative Tectonics; thereby altering the state of how and when an impression is viewed and received. Print as result will not die but will give way to the advent of the P-Value, a metric that will leverage the cost of advertorial production via a new dual-metric analysis. To the end-user it may create the impression of stronger synergy but, to those who manage and manipulate pixels as well as those who craft message it becomes a measure of Social Tremors-- dialectic and visual nuisances detected through the usage and application of various mediums (read: formats) which interpret public acceptability by monitoring response towards a medium, product or service. These Social Tremors measure the shift within our Global Environ and will ultimately change strategy of Media Buyers & Brand Managers. The P-Value will rely heavily on technology’s ability to deliver hardware that reincarnates the value of print digitally.
“The state of Interactive measurement needs work.”
Sherrill Mane, SVP
Interactive Advertising Board
Fourth Q 2009 and first Q 2010, a Condé Nast imprint began to sell their publication digitally and at a re-structured price point. As a result the value proscribed to the advert within gains additional breadth by garnering an additional digital metric. Over a period of approximately 90 days, sales of ‘digital’ GQ tripled as print ads became “trans-digital poly-hydra impressions.” Digital portability yielded new levels of profitability for traditional print publications; but once more, the question remains how do Advertising agencies engage in the new pricing structure? Furthermore, over the next 18-24 months how do advertising agencies create an “Ad Fulcrum”? Look for advertisers and publishers and companies like Apple to create co-branded incentives and multiple title distribution strategies and marketing incentives. This could sharply affect how a brand is positioned and how Media Planner/Buyer strategically spends advertising dollars. The net result won’t be a catastrophic shift of Cultural and Creative Tectonics but rather a conscious understanding of ‘P-Value & Poly-metrics’; by accessing the newer value that one channel may have over another and realizing the ‘ad fulcrum’ for increased breadth and profitability changes the brand proposition in the Digital-sphere. The P-Value will reaffirm our love affair with CMYK just as a Heidelberg did with the first press; it will require Technologist, Advertisers, Managers and Executives to study Brand Seismology.
As Brand Seismologist, we will be required to understand the dexterity of Language, the strengths of Technology and how Cultural & Creative Tectonics shape digitas. Branding and Advertising Design in digitas become a result of creating a cohesive thought process and an ‘ad fulcrum’ which measures the use of multi-channel metrics by developing consistency throughout the industry. Monitoring Cultural Tectonics on the web bolsters efficacy and creates transparency that is healthy for technology and the convergence of trans-digital use. This in turns allows the Brand Seismologist to measure a ‘cleaner’ universal metric.
“Our numbers are wildly different…to a point where it’s materially damaging to our business.”
Bob Bowman, CEO
+ Related Topics:
· Brand Seismology: Efficacy and Transparency on the Web and in the Internet
· Dual Metric Analysis: The P-Value + Poly-Metrics.
· Poly-Metrics: Which metrics matter most?
· Ad Fulcrums and Social Tremors: Creating a cleaner universal metrics
©John Ivan Olmo 2010 All rights reserved.
OLMO is a Brand Seismologist, Technologist, Advertiser (IAD+CD) & Writer.
Brand Seismology, Cultural Tectonics, Creative Tectonics, P-Value & Poly-Metrics, Social Tremors + Ad Fulcrum || + 01.347.827.6769 c.
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