Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Seismology of Google in China

+This entry is on Google in China, I've been reading alot of information from Russia, China and State-side.

There have been a lot of angles regarding the '' presence in China. From my understanding, this has much to do with censorship as it does with good business and efficacy on the web. Look for Google to stay a float in China without much more interference from the Chinese government and look for an increase in Google's revenue as a result of upward profitability in the Asian Markets. Over the next 4Q's Google's core business will not suffer and China will be a 'key' part of the equation. information is exchanged in China is as much about choice as it is about freedom; quality information + clean info distribution provide the opportunity to expand Creative Tectonics. (( is one such example.))

The I-pad / Google spat is a non-issue. Mobi Business models are about 'trans-digital convergence' within Technology. Apple is primarily a CPU hardware manufacturer + Google is a search engine provider anything mobile is fair game for either company. The I-pad is on par with most net-books and s/b seen as a Slate & Sony VIAO competitor, while Android the Google OS is more of a Windows Mobile PPC counterpart. The real question becomes: what to do with GOOD OS (an UNBUNTU based language) and Cloud Computing as a part of mobile 'trans-digital' communication?

++JO.Brand Seismologist

more to come on Brand Seismology (part ii)

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