Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Seismology of Google in China (part ii) Google still in but 4 how long?

This is a follow up from my personal treasure trove of information, I am available for consult work on Technology & Brand Seismology in the US and abroad.



"Creative Tectonics...are the final product in the art (read: science) of design construction that which conveys form and/or functionality." -John Olmo

I just read about (once more) and there are a lot of interesting currents in the mix here. First off I don't think, the move to Hong Kong from mainland will be that bad, it is a reality of several tectonics; One we are witnessing a search engine' learn'--this 'teleological creep', is what they are created to do. It interprets what people's taste are and serves them accordingly. To ask otherwise is counter-intuitive to the user experience and dismisses the notion of form & function in its entirety. Second, we have to consider the cultural resonances in which the company has to operate in, China is not the US democratically speaking and tolerance is not the topic of the day...there are 'nabobs of negativists' which proliferate AND propagate amongst the intellgensia. Third, giving up such a huge search engine market 'advertorially speaking', is like someone seeking to podium and not taking the Gold. Lastly, Impressions are the name of the Game, and an application that teaches itself to perform better can only increase to the allowable glass ceiling that the government deems 'safe' this is the case in the land of Mao and Yao. Can everyone see the Baidu ceiling?

++ENDNOTES: If Brin (read: Google) bounce then BING will do it's thing. (13%) of their revenue plus a (33%) market share are a 'shift' that I would not 'oogle' @ its just not in my optics.

+JO.Brand Seismologist & Technologist
© 2010

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