Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Thoughts on Language + Boroditsky...the lighter side of Conquest.

Dr. Lera Boroditsky is a professor of psychology at Stanford University and editor in chief of Frontiers in Cultural Psychology; she wrote an interesting article on Language for the WSJ...(7/24 "Lost in Translation") here are my thoughts on the Tectonics of Language something worthy of the Intelligentsia.

Most languages and most thought processes 'developed and expressed' are hinged upon Conquest. Exchange, trade and culture are secondary and tertiary variables to which language is both host quantifier and qualifier. Recent discussions such as the Boroditsky article only strengthen the posit that language is a result of Conquest and Trade. Linguistic studies of Conquest Language(s) should be seen as the appropriate measure for such a catalyst. Language of Monarchy and its future bastardizations and metamorphosis, replete the humans minds didactic-ness and dexterity. Hence they lay as the mortar between the bricks. And the bricks are simply put- political, religious and legal constructs which are intended to shape and not misconstrue the form.

The usage of vocal projection and guttural intonation coupled with the ability to create metaphor and double entendre are what make language an amorphous social construct-- a commentary on what is said, when it is said and how it is interpreted and received. Language is a moving anthromorphic fresco each stroke of the tongue creates something wet and new but as with the fresco it's orbit is adjacent to Time and as such can be hardened in the annuls of history, religion and tax. The three aforementioned capitulate the strength of State; they create the trinity of linguistic modernity for they are the by-product of Conquest and as such force the tongue and knee to adhere to their proxy at chamber and robe, gavel and column.

Now, I think I might owe someone a cup of sugar?


SIDEBAR: My work on the concept AGENCY + SALON is forthcoming.
All right mates--cheers!

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