Friday, November 25, 2011

Is it the same coin or two different sides of the same buck?

"Liberty paying for it here and there..."

Today my name is Yossi. ((Don't ask why...))
Hezbollah* in a nutshell is really about Iran, Russia, Israel. Think nuclear proliferation, Space X materials, KGB, Mossad etc. et. al. The word for today is Iranium...yep. That dashing mix of materials that can create energy and the almighty WMD.

An act of aggression towards the aforementioned political organization (read: Hezbollah) could set off a series of events that would be seen as unfortunate for American resolve in a shrinking global economy. We do have a 1.2 trillion deficit that would effectively take the U.S. 3-4 Presidential administrations to resolve (~12years give or take a few). And remember not one Super Committee member brought it all home in order to quell American economic concern.

U.S. based terror experts can agree that said organization* could in fact be affiliated or associated with secondary and/or tertiary organizations that may possess the ability to become problematic for governments on 3-4 continents. This is true. [✓] The U.S. knew months in advance and the patterns were apparent even from this humble albeit "civilian" stand point...WMD rhetoric withstanding the old guard needs to realize that this is not an anti-pinko driven America. My guess is that both groups in Iran and Lebanon were a splinter cell(s) that have been off the grid for some time now, clandestine is a more accurate word.

They were corralled and picked off too neatly for any western based media organization to admit and for any one organization to claim as responsible. Did Hezbollah get the nod for the round up? Yes. Were they given a helping hand and a blind eye. I think so...The same group that was rounded up in Iran may have been responsible for the Stuxnet-- the contamination of a ME nuclear facility. Detente is the next word on the to-do list...yep. "Iranuim Detente."

My only question would be who offered them up and why wouldn't a person trained in espionage not pick up on such a clever code word as 'pizza'. I guess all Italians s/b mobsters, capiche? I have a better idea, why don't we just call the whole thing off??

This morning I will have a french bagel and read the NYT.


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